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Ep. 13

Ep. 13

Welcome to the Canadian Tech Podcast. A weekly show on what’s going on in the tech scene from a Canadian perspective.

Thanks to our sponsor this week Orpheum Hosting Solutions.

Please considering rating our podcast on iTunes and wherever else you see us. It helps us spread the word.
Stuart Clark
Jamieson Roberts
Carmi Levy

Groupon going down in flames

Facebook’s Couples Pages – Ew

DIG London coming up this week.
Shameless self-promotion by Carmi- Closing keynote – Wed 5:15 to 6:15 in the main plenary
Topic: London? Silicon Alley? Believe it.

Apple and HTC end patent battle.
Another example of Tim Cook putting his stamp on Apple.
Both companies suggested that the goal of the settlement is to move beyond litigation and back to innovation.

I’ve always hated litigation, and I continue to hate it,” Cook said during Apple’s second quarter earnings call in April. “We just want people to invent their own stuff.”

Samsung increasing prices for hardware components against Apple

Canada’s Wireless carriers to create blacklist for lost or stolen devices.

BB10 gets an official release date

A $20 Tablet could change the market

Microsoft Surface sales off to a modest start, told “just you wait for the Pro one”

Reviews are coming in, Win8 does nothing really to improve gaming performance
– Sub-story, Microsoft forcing fragmentation by DX11.1 being Win8 only

Valve working on Source Engine 2.0

Transit going paperless

iPads ‘speak’ for non-verbal, autistic kids

Carmi’s “2 minutes out of the box”

Picks of the Week

Stuart –

Jamieson – Buffer
Carmi – The Wider Image – Reuters photojournalism app
Also, Boston Globe Big Picture

Ep 12.

Ep 12.

Welcome to the Canadian Tech Podcast. A weekly show on what’s going on in the tech scene from a Canadian perspective.

Thanks to our sponsor this week Orpheum Hosting Solutions.

Please considering rating our podcast on iTunes and wherever else you see us. It helps us spread the word.
Stuart Clark
Jamieson Roberts
Carmi Levy

Lots of new products the last two weeks.

Microsoft-Apple redux: the empire strikes back

Disruptions: You Know You Can’t Live Without Apple’s Latest Glass Rectangle

Apple releases new products
Ipad Mini review
Additional thought: Is the iPad mini killing the full-sized iPad? – Apple says it sold 3 million iPads and iPad minis combined in its first weekend of sale (they hit stores Friday.) Interesting thing is they haven’t broken down the proportion of either, but some estimates say between 2 and 2.5 million of those were minis. Which begs the question of whether the smaller, cheaper device is killing off the bigger, more expensive one.

Some people talking about waiting for a mini with a retina display, will that be an ipad killer at that point?

Some early reviews of the Microsoft surface.

Only a few places you can get the Surface in Canada right now.

iOS 6.0.1 now available, iPhone 5 users need to download installer

Tech survival – Superstorm Sandy and her aftermath have taught us many lessons about keeping connected even after the power goes out. Would you know what to do if a major storm – or similar disaster – threw you into the dark for days at a stretch? Might be a good time to talk about some of the tips and tricks that can keep you up and running. Things like inverters for the car, solar power chargers, crank-powered chargers for small devices, juice packs, common charging cables, public resources like libraries and fast food restaurants, etc.

The Stephen Orser Effect – Our colourful city councillor has stepped in it again, with a controversial posting to Facebook about convicted Tori Stafford murderer Michael Rafferty and suicide. This is only the latest example of London’s elected officials behaving badly in social media, and it illustrates, yet again, how important it is for our civic leaders to get a clue before they reach for that smartphone. We’ve had Twitter arguments and insults break out from within the council chambers, and now this. It’s distracting everyone from the job at hand, and makes us, to the outside world, look like rank amateurs.

Another example.

Change your PayPal password. Now. – The shadowy hacker group, Anonymous, is at it again. This time, they claim to have stolen account information of 28,000 PayPal account holders – names, email addresses, etc. While PayPal itself denies there’s been a breach, it reinforces just how important it is for us to change our passwords regularly. Because a PayPal account is like a bank in that it holds actual currency. It’s UNLIKE a bank in that if it’s raided, legislation doesn’t require PayPal to reimburse you.

Android grows. Again. – Just-released figured from research firm IDC show Google’s mobile operating system is now installed on 3 out of every 4 smartphones sold today. Think iPhone rules? Think again. It’s got only 14.9% global market share. The Google borg shows no signs of slowing down.–idc-android-on-75-pct-of-smartphones-in-3q

Canadians want their digital wallets. – A just-released survey shows 47% of Canadians are ready to start paying with their smartphones. The survey, co-sponsored by CIBC, was released coincidentally at the same time as the CIBC-Rogers payment partnership was launched. Still. the future is coming whether we like it or not. The kicker? CIBC won’t charge you for the service, but Rogers now has access to your personal financial data being stored on your phone’s SIM card. Just like supposedly “free” services like Facebook and Google, the real currency is private data, and we’re basically giving it away to megacorporations.

Balders Gate enhanced edition due out nov 28th

Halo 4 released on Tuesday.  Matthew Hoy from The Games Day Podcast reports lines forming already.

Picks of the Week

Stuart – Duplicator – Great WordPress plugin to move a wp site from hosts or from dev to production.
Jamieson –Letterpress – game for iOS
Carmi –DocScanner – available for iOS and Android

Ep. 11 Release Week

Ep. 11 Release Week

Welcome to the Canadian Tech Podcast. A weekly show on what’s going on in the tech scene from a Canadian perspective.

Thanks to our sponsor this week Orpheum Hosting Solutions.

Please considering rating our podcast on iTunes and wherever else you see us. It helps us spread the word.
Stuart Clark
Jamieson Roberts
Carmi Levy

Apple event Livecast Tuesday starting around 12:30. Look for the link on Twitter.


Apple event on Tuesday.  Ipad Mini?

Ipad Mini may go for $329 not $250,0,710368.story


Apple, Microsoft gambling on a growing taste for tablets

(Win8 launches this Friday. WinPhone8 launches Monday. Separated at birth? Are mobile/conventional operating systems destined to converge into one? And can we chew on which is more significant: a shrunken tablet or an OS that 85% of us are going to eventually use?)

Google wants in on the event action, too: Monday, October 29 at 1:00 pm Eastern.
Rumour mill says it’ll reveal 10-inch Nexus tablets and 3G-capable Nexus 7 tablets.
The real question is whether the company is doomed: their quarterly financial results, revealed last week, were way off expectations. Cost per click was down 15%, and they still haven’t figured out the mobile revenue code. Not time to panic yet, but if Google can’t figure it out, who can?

Kindle user claims Amazon deleted whole library without explanation

RIM strikes security tech deal with mobile payment firm EnStream

Ubuntu 12 released just before windows 8 and they say it in their advertising

Windows 8 releases this Friday.

Shuttle Endeavour finally makes it to the California Science Center. Let’s talk about what it means, and share this link to a pretty remarkable time-lapse slide show of the entire operation:

Picks of the Week

Stuart Fing Network mapper for IOS
Jamieson – London OnTime for iOS
Carmi – Planetary – music library exploration/discovery app for your iPad